Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Save the Preds!

Normal Rockstar alerted us to the real threat that the Nashville Preds might be leaving. The team has an offer to be sold to a man from Canada, who has recently just backed out of a deal to buy the Pittsburg because the NHL was making it very difficult for him to move the team to Canada. I don't know about you, but I think hockey is one of the best things about Nashville. I absolutely love it! Please join us as we try to rally to save the Predators. Here's several links for you to help out.

Normal Rockstar's Preds Post

Save the Predators Facebook Group (2,700+ members)

Save the Predators MySpace Group

Official Online Petition (1,700+ signatures)

Preds Forum (including info on a Rally to Save the Preds on June 16)

Email the League Commissioner: gbettman@nhl.com

Call the NHL: 212-789-2000

Thanks, and help spread the word!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Save the Preds?...That's exactly what Jim's doing by relocating the team.