Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TOMS Revisited.

When it rains, it pours, so they say.

I never really got that phrase. Partly because I like rain so much. So if its pouring, all the better, I say!

All that arbitrary introduction to tell you that since I posted about TOMS on Sunday, I've been seeing the company pop up everywhere, including on the good ol' blogosphere.

Seth Godin, the marketing guru, has a post about it here. Which raises some interesting conversation, I think.

I personally don't think Blake has set up his business model this way to be able to create a market buzz. I believe he genuinely cares about the cause, partly because I have a friend in NYC that knows him personally.

But I do think it's interesting how attractive it does look to the world when Kingdom ideals are put on display. It's so revolutionary it's something that people WANT to talk about. And THAT makes great marketing, even if it wasn't completely on purpose.

I wonder at the potential of the kind of buzz that would result in this world if we all put Kindom ideals on display.

Just a thought.

Some GOOOOOOD posts have been put up in the last few days from the 40 Day Fast. See the links on the sidebar to the right!

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