Monday, July 09, 2007


I did it.

And I feel the need to come clean. And to provide some sort of proof of a logical thought process over mindless ho-hum hype.

And so, ladies and gents, I did, in fact, purchase an iPhone.

No, it is not like me to buy the newest and slickest, but in this case I crumbled. It was the perfect storm, if you will. I had been holding out on buying an iPod for about a year in order to get the next generation. I already had AT&T/Cingular, and my current phone had put in its 2 years and was due for a replacement. And his Highness King Steve announced the phone 6 months ago, allowing for ample saving time. And thus, the wee gadget became mine. And I walk around, listening to cool new tunes, browsing the internet, and talking on the phone with by nose in the air, sneering at the "inferiors" that aren't as cool, hip, savvy, etc. as I am. Because I have arrived. iArrived.

For what it's worth, I have had it for a few days now, and the complaints are null. It does live up to the hype, and I am still incredulous at what I am able to do with these metal pieces I hold in an orderly contraption in my hand. The battery won't die and the screen won't scratch. I still don't really believe that I really own it. But BAH, it's just a machine. Treat it like more, and that's when ye get in trouble.

So I guess that makes me cooler than you now? Something like that right? Or just a glutton for consumerism... you pick...


Kendra Marie said...

besides it was love at first sight and you can't reject that...right?

Sarah Renée said...

Well, that just seemed like a really convenient buy for you considering the timing w/ your cell phone and the fact that you already have AT&T...LUCKY!

Yes Tim, you are officially cooler than me.


Can I be slightly jealous?

go to said...



Turned Paige said...

youuu lucky sir. I want to see this thing. (yes I have a blogspot . . . but I only use it anymore to read other people's. I forgot I had it until a few weeks ago, actually)