Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thoughts, June 17, 10:45PM

This summer feels like no summer I've summed before. It's good, albeit confusing in its unidentifiability. My body was dragged home after work by my soul, not because it didn't belong there, but because it was simply too exhausted to move. I plead guilty to not having the energy I should have during a wonderful dinner with my dad to properly celebrate the hero he has been to me, and promptly afterwards I moved myself to the hammock for a warm nap. Waking up 20 minutes letter, I decided the Spirit told me to move inside, and two more hours of dinosaurs, flying, and interesting mashups of friends visited me in my dreams. And when I woke, there was much rejoicing. And thus I've been sitting on my bed, catching up on blogs I've let pile up in that digital cloud. I'm ingesting some incredible chocolate cake that my mom made for my dad today alongside a trusty glass of my skim milk, and come to think of it, metaphorically speaking the cake is actually icing ON the cake of the horrid diet I have graced myself with today: 2 slices of cold pizza for breakfast, an ice cream oreo pie from The Chop House for lunch, and a feast from the good ol' Famous Dave's for dinner. Perhaps it will help as tomorrow I yet again will lift a little bar over and over again in hopes of making my wee arm a little less wee-like. I had no idea how hard it was to gain weight. Jeez... But no worries now, I am indulging in the gift of new music that summer has bestowed -- Ryan Adams, The New Pornographers, Immaculate Machine -- letting the notes gracefully flood my ears. And I am wondering if I have enough of that creative juice, energy, force, whatever you would like to call it, etc. to actually start AND finish one of the creative endeavors that are spinning around between those neurons and synapses. I have a nagging tendency to get halfway through before that aforementioned "stuff" runs out. Hmm... Perhaps we'll see. Looking at my list of "Summer To Do's" I made the last week of school is depressing. I'd rather blog instead. Or watch another masterpiece of this man:

Wes Anderson, release your next one already!


Kendra Marie said...

i like this.

Kendra Marie said...

ps. it's SUMMER enjoy it and don't get down on yourself about the checklist. you have 2 months left ;o) it's ok to just BE timothy alan harms...

Anonymous said...

interesting, last night was a sit-down-summer-evaluation night for me too. definitely felt weird. i feel you with the "unidentifiable" or ambiguous summer... for sure. i'm sure, had we been in 515, there would have been fantastic conversation last night : )

Sarah Renée said...

Very well written, Tim :) I totally agree with you when you wrote, "It's good, albeit confusing in its unidentifiability." It's a very strange summer, is it not?