Wednesday, May 23, 2007

LOST Season 3 Finale

The LOST finale is here tonight, and I myself am elated. My prediction: Locke will survive (he was shot in the kidney he no longer has), join up with half of the others that don't trust Ben any longer, and go to the 815er's camp to try to warn them about Ben. Sayid and the gang will think it is Ben's group and fight them instead. As for Charlie...who knows, but he won't die. I think that Desmond's the one that really is supposed to die. And I'm going out there, but somebody's going to pull a serious con on the 815ers tonight, and my call is Jack. I think that's how we will be left for the next nine months: trying to figure out why Jack betrayed to group.

Any other predictions?


Anonymous said...

yeah. some of those were similar to my predictions. looks like we got PUNK'd. what - the heck! that was amazing

Tim said...

huffdaddy, huh? that's a new one... :o)